“Set Your Heart Ablaze” – What Rengoku Quotes Do You Know In Japanese?

Set your heart ablaze Demon Slayer

みなさん、こんにちは!Welcome to Sakura Neko’s Japanese Study Room, where you can learn Japanese from anime quotes! Today’s topic is Demon Slayer (鬼滅の刃 / Kimetsu No Yaiba).

We all love 煉獄杏寿郎れんごくきょうじゅろう (Kyojuro Rengoku) and one of his last words 「こころやせ」(‘Set your heart ablaze.’) left a lasting impact on 炭治郎たんじろう (Tanjiro).

Click here if you want to read more aboutこころやせ」(‘Set your heart ablaze’).

Today, we will look at other 煉獄れんごく quotes in Japanese which you can use in various situations!

The English translation for each quote is from the Demon Slayer manga.

不死川しなずがわの言いう通とおりです。 Shinaugawa is right.

When 炭治郎たんじろう and 禰󠄀豆子ねずこ (Nezuko) were taken to 柱合会議ちゅうごうかいぎ for a trial, 煉獄 agrees with other はしら (Hashira) who thinks 禰󠄀豆子 must be executed.


Shinazugawa no iutōri desu

Shinazugawa is right!

「言う通り」means ‘as (someone) says’. You can use this phrase when you show that you agree with someone.



Just like you said!

感心感心かんしんかんしん。 I’m impressed!

When 煉獄れんごく notices that 炭治郎たんじろう acquired 全集中ぜんしゅうちゅう呼吸こきゅう常中じょうちゅう (Total Concentration: Constant)he used this phrase to show that he is impressed.


kanshin kanshin

I’m impressed!

感心かんしんする」 means ‘to admire’ or ‘to be impressed’. When you say ‘I’m impressed!’ you change this verb to the past tense to say 「感心かんしんした・感心かんしんしました」. Or just like 煉獄, you can simply say 「感心 感心」(generally the word is repeated twice).

胸むねをはって生いきろ。 Stand tall and be proud.

This is one of 煉獄’s last words.


mune o hatte ikiro

Stand tall and be proud.

This phrase is not translated literally in manga. Let’s look at the vocabulary in this quote.

むね: chest

はって: the て form of はる (to stretch, to spread)

きろ: the imperative form of 生きる (to live)

胸をはる is an expression for ‘to behave with confidence/proud’. So, the literal translation of the quote is more like ‘to be proud and live’.

だが知しらん! Well, I dunno!

When 炭治郎たんじろう asks 煉獄れんごく about ヒノカミ神楽かぐら (Hinokami Kagura / Dance of the Fire God), he replies with this.


daga shiran!

Well, I dunno!

「だが」 is a combination of 「だ」 and 「が」. 「だ」is a casual version of 「です」, so 「だが」is basically the same as 「ですが」, which can be translated to ’however’

「知らん」is a colloquial version of 「りません」(I don’t know).

この話はなしはこれでおしまいだな! That’s enough of that topic!

This quote is also from the Mugen Train arc when 炭治郎たんじろう asks 煉獄れんごく aboutヒノカミ神楽かぐら. With this quote, 煉獄 tries to end the conversation.


kono hanashi wa kore de oshimaidana

That’s enough of that topic.

「話」means a talk or a speech, and it can also mean a topic or a subject.

これで: With this

だな: this is a combination between 「だ」and 「な」. 「だ」is a casual version of 「です」, and 「な」 is a variant of 「ね」. Therefore 「だな」 is the same as 「ですね」(‘isn’t it?’)

まとめ – Summary

To sum up, this article introduced 5 quotes from 煉獄れんごく. While「こころやせ」is a very popular one, there are other great quotes that show 煉獄’s enthusiastic, pure and amiable (and eccentric?) personality. You can use these quotes when you talk to someone in Japanese and hint your love to 煉獄 to that person!

I hope you found this helpful! If you liked this post, make sure you check out other articles as well! You can also find more phrases from my twitter account.  じゃあ、みなさん、さようなら!

If you haven’t read Demon Slayer manga yet…

You can see 煉獄れんごくさん in Vol.6 through to Vol.8.


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