Useful websites for Japanese study

This is a section where I would like to share websites that would be useful for your Japanese study! If you know any websites that can benefit other learners of Japanese please let me know so I can share on this page. Simply email me at!



This is a site where you can make flashcards to practice your vocabulary. You can also access abundance of resources created by a community of users.

Hiragana and Katakana


Free Hiragana chart

Free Katakana chart

This 「ちびむすドリル」has a number of useful resources decorated with pretty pictures. This target audience of this site is generally pre-schoolers to students up to Grade 6 who go to Japanese schools. There are many useful resources for beginning-intermediate learners of Japanese.

Listening Resources


New Kanzen Master is a series of textbook aiming for learners who are studying for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. You can download audio resources for the listening textbook.

新完全マスター聴解 日本語能力試験N1 

新完全マスター聴解 日本語能力試験N2

新完全マスター聴解 日本語能力試験N3

新完全マスター聴解 日本語能力試験N4 

Reading Practice

News Web Easy

News Web Easy lists various news written in やさしい日本語 and is a great resource for your reading skills and to help you keep up with Japan news.


There is a number of free online books here. You can choose to donate to support their project!

General Information About Japan

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