ALL Flame Breathing Forms (炎の呼吸) Explained (Demon Slayer)

Demon Slayer

みなさん、おはこんばんちは!In today’s article, I am going to talk about all the Flame Breathing forms that appeared in Demon Slayer (鬼滅の刃 Kimetsu No Yaiba)! By the time you finish reading this article, you will have understood…

🔹How each form is called in English and in original Japanese

🔹What kanji is used in the name of each form

🔹The meaning of the kanji characters used, and how you can use them in other contexts

First Form : Unknowing Fire

First form of Flame Breathing is called Unknowing Fire. In Japanese, this is



This is a technique where the user launches forward to get within the reach of the opponent and performs a high speed horizontal slash.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 吾峠呼世晴

Breathing down the kanji in this form…

不 – Reading: ふ / Meaning: Not

This kanji is used as a prefix. Examples include 不便 (fuben : inconvenience), 不可能 (fukanou : impossible), 不自然(fushizen : unnatural)

知 – Reading: ち、し / Meaning: Know

This kanji is mostly used as part of the verb 知ります・知る (shirimasu・shiru : to know)

火 –Reading: ひ、か / Meaning: Fire

Common words that have this kanji include 火曜日 (kayoubi : Tuesday), 火事 (kaji : conflagration), and 火星 (kasei : Mars)

不知火 is an example of what is called 熟字訓 (jukujikun), which is a reading assigned to a kanji compound by its meaning. Therefore, the reading of the word「不知火」as a whole is shiranui, and the reading of this word is not made up by combining the reading of individual kanji character.

不知火 is actually an existing expression in Japan. It refers to a mirage observed on Yashiro Sea in Kyūshū: Lights from fishing boats gets refracted on the horizon.

Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun

Second form of Flame Breathing is called Rising Scorching Sun. In Japanese, this is


nobori en ten

This is an upward arching slash.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 吾峠呼世晴

Breathing down the kanji in this form…

昇 – Reading: のぼ、しょう / Meaning: Ascend

This is used for the verb 昇ります・昇る. 「のぼる」 can be written in different kanji characters (登る or 上る) but 「昇る」is used for something that can ascend as a natural process such as the sun.

炎 – Reading: ほのお、えん / Meaning: Flame

This is the kanji character for this breathing style! The Flame Hashira in Japanese is actually 炎柱 (en bashira). Interestingly, 炎上 (en jou) can mean either ‘going up in flames’ or ‘stirring up a storm of criticism online’. The unusual reading of is ほむら, and this is a theme song of the Demon Slayer movie.

天 – Reading: あま、てん / Meaning: Heaven, Sky

This kanji is often used when referring to something about the sky, such as 天気 (tenki : weatehr), 天候 (tenkou: climate). This is also used when referring to something about heaven. For example, 天国 (tengoku) or 天使 (tenshi: angel)

Third Form: Blazing Universe

Third form of Flame Breathing is called Blazing Universe. In Japanese, this is



This is an downward arching slash. This technique did not appear in the original manga series, however it was added in the battle to Azaka in the Mugen Train movie.

気 – Reading: き/ Meaning: Energy

This kanji refers to ‘energy’ or ‘spirit’. You can find 「気」in various idiomatic expressions such as 「気をける」(ki o tsukeru: to pay attention) ,「気が」(ki ga au: to get along well)「気がちいさい」(ki ga chiisai: chicken-hearted),「気が」(to get distracted).

万 – Reading: まん/ Meaning: Ten thousand

Most commonly, you see this kanji as a number unit that means 10,000. 一万いちまん is 10,000. Remember, you don’t need to say いちじゅう or 一百いちひゃく for ten and one hundred, but simply say じゅう or ひゃく. For one thousand, you can either say 一千いっせん orせん, but for ten thousand, you must say 一万 いちまんand not just まん.

Reading: ぞう・しょう / Meaning: Elephant ・Phenomenon

When this kanji is on it’s own, it means ‘elephant’, but when this kanji is used in compounds, it can mean various things. Examples include 「現象げんしょう」(gen shou: phenomenon),「対象たいしょう」(tai shou: target), 「象徴しょうちょう」(shou chou: symbol).

Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation

Fourth form of Flame Breathing is called Blooming Flame Undulation. In Japanese, this is


sei en no uneri

This can be either defensive or offensive technique. The user swings his sword in a circular motion to defend incoming attacks or to attack multiple enemies at once.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 吾峠呼世晴

Reading: せい・も / Meaning: Pile, Prosperous

This kanji is used in the verb 「る・盛ります」. It is often used in an expression 「盛りげる」(moriageru: to liven up).

Fifth Form: Flame Tiger

Fifth form of Flame Breathing is called Flame Tiger. In Japanese, this is



The user performs a slash that takes a form of a rampaging flame tiger. This is like a flame and tiger version of the tenth form of Water Breathing, 生生流転せいせいるてん (sei sei ruten / Constant Flux).

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 吾峠呼世晴

Reading: とら・こ / Meaning: Tiger

You see this kanji mostly used on it’s own. There is a common expression: とらきつね (tora no i o karu kitsune), which translates to ‘a fox that borrows the authority of a tiger’. This expression refers to a person acts arrogantly under borrowed authority.

Ninth Form: Rengoku

Ninth form of Flame Breathing is called Rengoku. In Japanese, this is



Fire Breathing forms only exists up to Eighth Form. This form is a personal creation of the current Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro. This is a powerful dashing slash Rengoku uses to cut a large area accurately.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 吾峠呼世晴

Reading: れん / Meaning: Refine metal

This kanji is not listed in 常用漢字 (jouyou kanji), therefore, you normally don’t see this kanji being used. You see a similar kanji 「れん」in compounds such as 練習れんしゅう (ren shū: practice)、試練しれん (shi ren: trial)、洗練せんれん (sen ren: polish)

獄 – Reading: ごく / Meaning: Prison

煉獄れんごく (rengoku) actually is a Japanese word ‘purgatory’. This kanji is also used for 地獄じごく (jigoku), which means ‘hell’

Summary – まとめ

In summary, this article covered all the Flame Breathing forms appeared inDemon Slayer (鬼滅の刃 Kimetsu No Yaiba). You should now have a better understanding of…

🔹How each form is called in English and in original Japanese

🔹What kanji is used in the name of each form

🔹The meaning of the kanji characters used, and how you can use them in other contexts

ありがとうございました!See you next time!

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