‘Please Do…’ – How To Ask Something in Japanese in Akaza Style (Demon Slayer)

Demon Slayer

みなさんこんにちは。Welcome to Sakura Neko’s Japanese Study Room, where you can learn Japanese from anime quotes! Today’s topic is Demon Slayer (鬼滅の刃 / Kimetsu No Yaiba).

Today, we are going to learn a Japanese grammar point from a quote by 猗窩座 あかざ(Akaza) when he first encountered 煉獄れんごく (Rengoku) and 炭治郎たんじろう (Tanjirō).

If you read this article, you will learn

How to ask someone to do something (‘Please do…’) in Japanese

✅ Other grammar points in the quote: how to join two adjectives, and まま


Today’s Quote


Shinde kure, Kyojuro. Wakaku tsuyoi mama.

Die, Kyojuro. While you are still young and strong.


ぬ・にます: to die

わかい: young

つよい: strong

Grammar Point

There is a few useful grammar points in this quote. Probably, the most useful one would be 「・・・てくれ」.

「・・・てくれ」 is a casual/informal way to make a request to someone to do something. The polite version would be 「・・・てください」.

・・・てくれ /・・・てください

When you ask someone to do something, follow this sentence pattern.

[Verbて form] くれ。(Casual)


[Verbて form] ください。(Formal)

Please do [verb].

If you don’t know how to make て form verbs, check out this article!

Like many other anime/manga characters, Akaza asks Rengoku to die using the informal language.

Other Grammar Points

How to join two adjectives

There are two adjectives used in the quote: 若い (young) and 強い (strong). When you join two adjectives (e.g. ‘young and strong’) you will have to remember that you cannot use 「と」to join the adjectives.

You will have to change the first adjective, following these rules:

If the first adjective is an い adjective, change the last い to くて OR just く






Ifthe first adjective is a な adjective, change the last な to で



ひろい:spacious, wide

Using まま (As is / without changing)

まま means ‘as it is’, ‘without changing’ or ‘maintaining the current state’

Akaza says 「死んでくれ。若く強いまま」 and this means ’Die, maintaining being young and strong’.

When you use まま, you will have to follow the rules below:

Noun+の + まま

VerbたForm + まま

いAdjective + まま

な Adjective な + まま



mukashi no mama no machi

A town that’s not changed from the past


jaketto o kita mama nemashita

I slept while while wearing a jacket


heya o katazukenai mama dekaketa

I went out without cleaning my room.

まとめ – Summary

To sum up, we looked at Akaza’s quote today and looked at a few grammar points used in it. They are

How to make a request

How to join two adjectives

How to use まま

I hope you found this helpful! If you liked this post, make sure you check out other articles as well! You can also find more phrases from my twitter account.  じゃあ、みなさん、さようなら!



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