Demon Slayer: Learn Japanese from 水の呼吸 弍ノ型 水車 / Water Breathing Second

How did you like the Demon Slayer movie? The movie smashed literally all movie related records in Japan, and the second season of the anime is scheduled to be released in October. The first season of the anime and the movie only covered up to Vol. 8 of the manga, so we still have a long way to go! So, it’s timely to learn some Japanese from the characters’ Breathing Styles!

Water Breathing – Second Form

We discussed Water Breathing First Form in the last post, so we will talk about the second form today.


This is a form Tanjiro first used in Final Selection. The user jumps and attacks while spinning like a water wheel.

As you can see, this form in Japanese is

水の呼吸 弍ノ型 水車

mizuno kokyū ni no kata mizuguruma

What do these kanji mean?

水 (mizu / sui): water

車 (kuruma / sha): car

If you combine these two kanji, then you get

水車 (suisha or mizu guruma): water wheel

In Japanese, a waterwheel can be called wither すいしゃ or みずぐるま. The former is what’s called Kun reading and the latter is called On reading. Kun reading is the Chinese reading based on the sounds of the kanji characters as pronounced by the Chinese at the time these kanji were introduced. On the other hand, Kun reading is the native Japanese reading associated with the meaning of kanji characters. To me, みずぐるま sounds better as a name of the attack, while すいしゃ does just sounds like the object.

Hopefully, this has helped you to remember a few kanji characters 😉 じゃ、さようなら〜!


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