Must-Know Japanese Expressions For Warai (Laughing and Smiling) To Sound Like A Native


みなさん、こんにちは!Have you noticed that there are many expressions for 「わらい」(warai) in Japanese? You probably have heard of various onomatopoeia, but I want to show you different types ofわらい」(warai) in Japanese through this article.

This article focuses on different types ofわらい」(warai).

含み笑い – When You Contain Your Warai

ふくわらい refers to ‘laughing or giggling without making a sound’.

ふくむ means ‘to contain’ or ‘to include’. It can also mean ‘to hold in the mouth’. So, if you are holding わらい in your mouth, it’s ふくわらい.

鬼滅の刃】蜜璃さんはカリスマ性ある : 鬼滅の刃まとめ
含み笑い in Kimetsu No Yaiba

In manga or anime, it’s often プププ or フフフ.

薄ら笑い – That Ichimaru’s Smile

Do you know 市丸いちまるギン (Ichimaru Gin) from Bleach? He is known for his slitted eyes and his mysterious うすら笑い (usura warai).

うすい (usui) means ‘thin’, or ‘weak taste’ or ‘not much of a presence’.

うすわらい refers to a smile created by a faint facial expression. うすわらい is often to express feelings such as contempt or confusion.

In anime or manga, うすわらい is often ヘヘヘ.

苦笑い – ‘Bitter Smile’

にがい (nigai) refers to ‘bitter’.

苦笑にがわらい (niga warai) refers to smiling while feeling bitter in the heart. It often shows one’s disappointment or the feeling of being bothered.

苦笑いをする男性のイラスト | かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや

愛想笑い – Smile To Avoid The Awkwardness

愛想あいそ (aiso) means ‘sociability’ or ‘friendliness’. If one is good at keeping a good social ‘face’ to maintain good social relationships with other people, he or she is referred to as 愛想あいそがいい (aigo ga ii).

愛想笑あいそわらい refers to a (fake) smile a person does so he/she can maintain good social relationships. For example, is you receive a gift from your friend and you really didn’t like it, you would still say thank you and smile. This is 愛想笑あいそわらい.

When your boss tells you a really lame joke you would still smile, this is also 愛想笑あいそわらい.

無愛想」を英語でなんと言う? | 楽英学
It is sometimes hard to present good 愛想あいそ all the time.

もらい笑い – Laughing Is Contagious

もらう means ‘to receive’.

もらいわらい (morai warai) refers to when you start laughing because others are laughing.


思い出し笑い – Do It When Nobody Is Around

おもす (omoidasu) refers to ‘to recall’.

おもわらい (omoidashi warai) is when you remember something and start smiling or laughing because of that. It tends to happen at the most inappropriate timing.

How often do you do おもわらい?


バカ笑い – When You Just Can’t Stop It

バカ refers to ‘idiot’.

バカわらい refers to when you laugh crazily.

新入社員ギニュー Twitterissä: "あ、この高笑いは既視感が… www これはまずいパターンだ!! www あまりバカ笑いするんじゃない、 ベジータ先輩!! #ドラゴンボール超… "

嘲笑い – That Annoying Guy’s Smily

あざける (azakeru) refers to ’to ridicule’ or ‘to look down on someone’.

嘲笑あざわらい (azawarai) refers to a condescending smile/laugh.

In anime, 嘲笑い is often ‘ohohohoho’.

まとめ – Summary

In this article, I introduced variety of types of わらい. As you saw, there are many expressions for わらい. How do you call them in your language? Do you know other わらい expressions?

I hope you found this helpful! If you liked this post, make sure you check out other articles as well! You can also find more phrases from my twitter account.  じゃあ、みなさん、さようなら!


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