JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure quote: Jotaro – てめーは俺を怒らせた。/ You Made Me Mad.

みなさん。こんにちは! Today’s phrase is by Kujo Jotaro from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 3. There are many unique characters and stand abilities in Part 3, but Jotaro has always been my favourite.

Today’s grammar point is the causative form. You can use this form when you make someone do something. 

Today’s phrase is this one!


 Teme wa ore o okoraseta.

Jotaro said this to Dio to explain ‘a simple reason’ why Dio lost the final battle to him.

We can break this phrase down to see how the causative form is used in it. 

Firstly, let’s look at the vocabulary in the Jotaro’s phrase: 

  • てめー is a very rough way of saying お前, which is already a rough version of あなた (‘you’). In this context, of course this refers to Dio.
  • 俺 is a rough way of saying 僕 or 私 (I, or myself)
  • 怒ります means ‘to get angry’. The dictionary form of this verb is 怒る

Causative form can be made by following the patterns below: 

U-verbs ( Godan verbs / Group 1 verbs )

Change the verb of the last consonant from ‘u’ to ‘a’, then add せる. 「怒る」from Jotaro’s phrase is n this verb group. (is the character was a vowel, change it to わ, then add せる)





Ru-verbs (Ichidan verbs / Group 2 verbs )

Remove the る from the verb and add させる. 



Irregular verbs



This form can mean ‘make someone do’, ‘let someone do’ or ‘allow someone to do’. 

Therefore, Jotaro’s phrase 「てめーは俺を怒らせた。」would mean ‘you made me mad.’ 

Causative form can also be found in other anime. For example,



Don’t make me laugh!


What anime phrase do you know that has this form in it? 


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