Expressions That Are Same in Both Japanese and English

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みなさん、こんにちは!Japanese and English are so different at many levels! But surprisingly, there are some expressions that are same in both Japanese and English.

This article will show you expressions that are strangely similar or same in the both languages.

Killing two bird with one stone

The idiom ‘killing two bird with one stone’ is 「一石二鳥 (いっせきにちょう)」. This is a 四字熟語 (よじじゅくご / four kanji idiom). The meaning of each kanji is…

一: one (いち)

石: stone (いし / セキ)

二: two (に)

鳥: bird (とり / チョウ)


As you can see, if you combine these 4 kanji, it’s basically identical to the English idiom ‘killing two bird with one stone’! This similarity makes it really easy to learn the 4 kanji as well.

To pay attention

The verb 「払う (はらう)」is generally used in the context of ‘paying money’. However, just like you can say ‘paying attention’ in English, it works in the same way in Japanese! You can say 注意を払う (ちゅういをはらう) for ‘to pay attention’.

注意 (ちゅうい) = attention

払(はら)う = to pay

To brush up on a skill

The verb 「磨く (みがく)」is generally used in the context of ‘making something clean or shinny’. You can say 「歯を磨く (はをみがく)」which means ‘to brush teeth’ or 「窓を磨く (まどをみがく)」 which means ‘to wipe windows clean’.

In English, you can say ‘brush up on a skill’, which means ‘to improve one’s skills’. Interestingly, this works in exactly the same way in Japanese too!

技を磨く (わざをみがく) = to brush up on a skill

技(わざ) = skills

磨(みが)く= to polish, to brush 

To lend a hand

The verb 「貸す (かす)」is generally used in the context of borrowing and lending items. Examples include 「お金を貸す (おかねをかす)」or 「本を貸す (ほんをかす)」.

In English, you can say ‘to lend a hand’ to mean ‘to help someone’. This works in the same way in Japanese too.

手を貸す (てをかす) = to lend a hand

手(て) = hand

貸(か)す = to lend



Brainwash refers to a process of pressurising someone to radically change their belief and actions.

Brainwash in Japanese is せんのう and written as 洗脳.

洗(あら)う = to wash

脳(のう) = brain


Living Hell

This idiom ‘living hell’ refers to a very unpleasant situation that causes a lot of suffering and lasts a very long time. There is an idiom for this in Japanese, and it’s exactly same in English: 生き地獄 (いきじごく).

生(い)きる = to live

地獄 (じごく) = hell

A bolt out of the blue

A bolt out of the blue is an idiom which means a complete surprise. There is an idiom for this in Japanese: 晴天の霹靂 (せいてんのへきれき).

晴天 (せいてん) = clear weather

霹靂 (へきれき) = thunderclap



Thank you for reading! I assume many of these expressions are similar in both Japanese and in English because they were imported from one or the other, but it’s still very interesting! If you know more please let us know in the comment section below!



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