Japanese Onomatopoeia To Improve Your Communication Skills

Language Learning

みなさん、こんにちは!Today’s topic is オノマトペ (Onomatopoeia). As you work through your Japanese language learning journey, there will a time where you feel your ‘textbook Japanese’ is not enough.

Using オノマトペ can take your Japanese to another level, and allows you to add some flare, making you sound like a native speaker!

What is オノマトペ?

オノマトペ (onomatopoeia) are words that represents sounds. In Japanese, オノマトペ can represent things such as…

🌟 Animal and human sounds

🌟 Actual sounds

🌟 Describe conditions, movements, or feelings etc

Expressing How You Speel

You can express how one sleeps by adding various onomatopoeia to 眠(ねむ)る

うとうと眠る = dozing off

ぐっすり眠る = sleep soundly

ぐーぐー眠る = sleep noisily (snoring)

すやすや眠る = sleep peacefully


Expressing How You Laugh (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

You can express how one smile/laugh  by adding various onomatopoeia to 笑(わら)う

くすくす笑う = chuckling

にこにこ笑う = smile cheerfully

げらげら笑う = laughing heartily 

にやにや笑う = smirking


If you would like to know more about onomatopoeia for laughing and smiling, check this article!

Animal Sounds

オノマトペ can also express animal sounds.

These are some examples…

いぬ / Dog = bow wow = わんわん (wan wan)

ねこ / Cat = meow = にゃー (nyā)

ひつじ / Sheep = baa = メー (mē)

にわとり / Rooster = coka-a-doodle-doo = コケコッコー (kokekokkō)

うし/ Cow = moo = モー

ぶた / Pig = Oink = ブー (bū)


Physical / Emotional State

オノマトペ is used to express how a person feels physically or emotionally. Some examples include…

どきどき = excited / nervous

いらいら = irritated

おなかが ぺこぺこ = starving

おなかが ぱんぱん = you are full and about to burst

わくわく = excited

あたまが くらくら = dizzy

Describe Action

You can also オノマトペ to describe action. Some examples include…

がつがつ食べる: eat greedily

ぺろりと食べる: eat in no time

もりもり食べる: eat heartily

むしゃむしゃ食べる: munch



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