Language Learning

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Language Learning

Japanese Onomatopoeia To Improve Your Communication Skills

Today's topic is オノマトペ (Onomatopoeia). As you work through your Japanese language learning journey, there will a time where you feel your 'textbook Japanese' is not enough.
Language Learning

How To Perform Well on a Speaking Test in Foreign Languages

Have you ever studied so hard for a speaking test and forgot everything you learned when you actually had the test? A speaking test is something that can make anyone nervous, especially when you have to perform in a foreign language. However, you can prepare for the test well if you know some tricks. Here are some tips.
Language Learning

10 Surprising Things About Schools In Japan

What is it like to be a student at a Japanese school? If you have watched a fair share of anime, I bet this question ha...
Language Learning

Rude Japanese Words You Should Use Carefully

Everyone loves to learn rude words in another language. And chances are if you watch anime or Japanese TV shows regular...
Language Learning

Simple Tricks to Keep a Conversation Going in Japanese

みなさん、こんにちは! Have you ever felt stuck in a conversation and ran into an awkward silence not knowing what to say? ...
Language Learning

How to Get Over the Plateau in Language Learning – Focus On These 8 Points

Welcome to my blog! Have you ever felt stuck in the plateau in language learning? Language learning is an excit...
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